Remote work How to make it efficient?

Friday, August 6, 2021

Remote work How to make it efficient?

The pandemic has come to reinforce interconnection and show the benefits of remote work for both partners and companies, showing that the traditional model is increasingly obsolete.

Make remote work enjoyable, productive but above all efficient know how to do it and thus achieve your daily goals.

The pandemic has come to reinforce interconnection and demonstrate the benefits of remote work, both for associates and for companies, demonstrating that the traditional model is increasingly obsolete.

Companies such as Antit were already developing this work methodology before the pandemic with the aim of promoting a better quality of life, cost savings in time and transfers , achieving a better balance between professional and personal life, obtaining more efficiency in daily tasks. .

According to a survey carried out on Costa Rican companies during 2019 by the Information and Knowledge Society Program of the UCR (Prosic) , 42% of companies indicated that they practiced teleworking. This figure increased with the development of the pandemic where both public and private companies joined this modality.

Essential factors for your remote work

Adequate space: When our office must be moved to our home we must have a space that is adapted for these purposes, orderly, with a comfortable chair, adequate lighting and if possible away from the rest of the house.

Connection: having a slow Internet connection will slow down our tasks, directly affecting our productivity, so it is essential not only to have medium to high connectivity, but also to acquire a good data plan in case the connection drops to be able to continue working through shared data.

Backups of your work: making use of an external hard drive, using backups on the drive will prevent you from losing the progress of your work due to a failure in your equipment.

Personal presentation: Both your environment and your personal appearance must be something that must always be taken care of, psychologically it influences your productivity by making you aware that you must start your working day, in addition, if a video call with a client, partner or management is required, you can transmit the appropriate image.

In addition, it is important to see the faces of the people with whom we interact in order to understand in a more efficient way the reception of the information we transmit, reacting appropriately to this.

Planning: organize your work to do the hardest in your most productive hours and leave the most tedious or monotonous last, since there are applications such as Focus To- do that tend to distract you, which uses pomodoro techniques to help you focus without losing your rest times. Also, there is another type that blocks your access to social networks or other digital distractors.

Benefits for the company

Reduction of costs per employee in workspace: companies can invest less in renting spaces, reinvesting this item in a strategic way for greater growth in the market.

Decrease in absences due to illness: associates who work under this modality report fewer absences due to illness or personal leave.

Increased employee productivity: Distractions are reduced and tasks are carried out in a more focused way, without third party interruptions or unnecessary pauses.

Less turnover: attracting and retaining qualified personnel, improving the sense of belonging, reducing turnover and even allowing the best professionals to be hired regardless of their location.

Costa Rican companies such as Antit focused on FinTech developments have as part of their philosophy to work through remote work , since it allows them to have the most highly qualified personnel both inside and outside the country.

Melissa López
August 6, 2021