Costa Rica a paradise for outsourcing development in times of pandemic

Friday, August 6, 2021

Costa Rica a paradise for outsourcing development in times of pandemic

Outsourcing in Costa Rica offers the perfect setting between proximity, a competitive workforce, and high-quality work, with lower rates than other countries which provide an additional advantage.

Outsourcing in Costa Rica offers the perfect setting between proximity, competitive workforce and high quality work with lower rates than other countries which provide an additional advantage.

Costa Rica has transformed its image as a tropical destination to one with the perfect conditions to venture into outsourcing , due to its location, stability and highly qualified resource.

One of the main advantages of acquiring this service is to increase efficiency, agility and speed in each of its technological processes.

Which allows you to focus on your core business and strategies to move forward more competitively.

You will have specialized equipment according to the demands of the market, which has access to the latest in cutting-edge technology that will give you the boost that your company needs to reach its potential in the market.

Antit has talented and experienced developers to suit your organization, delivering what is required on time.

Among the main reasons why the country stands out as an outsourcing destination are:

Geographic location: its location and commercial openness have made it a desirable country on the international radar for the development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).

Time zone: the country shares the same time zone as many cities in the United States, in addition to having more than 1000 weekly flights with just a few hours of travel.

Which allows opting for a Costa Rican development team to facilitate daily meetings and agile software development thanks to real-time collaboration.

Similar culture : their culture, being exposed to immigrants from all over the world, facilitates the adaptability of Costa Ricans, which improves interaction both in social and commercial settings.

Level of education: Costa Rica is located among the first four countries with the best education in Latin America, according to the latest results of the Program for International Student Assessment.‍

Costa Rica has positioned itself as a country that exports intellect thanks to its young and bilingual workforce, in addition to having a good level of connectivity and social stability.

In addition, it is considered, due to its experience, as the number one exporter in value added services in Latin America.

Also, as software development, financial services and engineering by having a mature business environment to execute complex operational processes.

With Antit you will have the best talent to complete your existing team with a recruitment process that is tailored to your needs, regardless of whether you require a few or a complete team.

Stability: we are the second most stable country in socio-economic matters in the region, which reduces investment risk and makes hiring outsourcing services easy and pleasant.

It was classified among the highest in the Index of Political Stability and Absence of Violence in Latin America (World Bank, 2008), in addition, since it does not have an army, it has stood out for its development of democracy.

Betting on Antit as your option for outsourcing is to obtain experience and specialization for your projects!

Melissa López
August 6, 2021