Learn about the benefits of having Big Data and Artificial Intelligence specialists

Friday, August 6, 2021

Learn about the benefits of having Big Data and Artificial Intelligence specialists

In a market that has evolved rapidly towards more digital models where data plays a leading role, Information Technology (IT) professionals are essential in any strategy that seeks to be successful.

Data has become the protagonists of digitization where Information Technology (IT) professionals are essential in any strategy that seeks to be successful.

According to the latest Inesdi Digital Business School study on “Top 25 Digital Professions 2020”, there was a 10% increase in companies seeking expert Big Data and Artificial Intelligence analysts .

Big Data requires experts capable of combining the agility of this resource with the scalability of Artificial Intelligence (AI), making the most of its value, especially for those companies interested in digital innovation .

This type of technology can be used to understand the preferences and behaviors of consumers to create specialized solutions.

The implementation of AI offers competitive advantages as well as an objective interpretation of the data to improve decision-making by companies.

With regard to data architecture, Big Data allows the development of a solid strategy in the digitization process , with more efficient, secure and truthful data analysis.

According to the Cambridge dictionary, Big Data is defined as: “large data sets produced by people using the Internet, and which can only be stored, understood and used with the help of special tools and methods”.

In a competitive market, digital transformation facilitates greater operational efficiency , digitization of processes, improvement of customer service services, thus optimizing business opportunities.

Therefore, investing in IT professionals will allow your company to reduce expenses in the medium and long term.

In addition, the approach to data flows is complex so it needs to be managed according to its type, condition and circumstances in which it was obtained.

Main challenges to be faced by IT experts

It is important to know what type of data is being counted and its main characteristics:

Speed: refers to the speed at which the data is produced and its analysis in real time.

Digital devices have allowed an unprecedented increase in the generation of data on which companies must decide how to take advantage of it.

Veracity: refers to the verification of the veracity of the data sources, which are addressed using tools and analyzes developed for the management and extraction of uncertain data.

Variability: it is understood as the variation in data flow rates. Often times, the speed of the data is not consistent and has periodic peaks and valleys, in addition, its complexity requires connecting, joining, cleaning and transforming the data received from different sources.

Value: when we speak of value we refer to the evaluation of the value content that the collected data may have as opposed to its volume.

Some of the fields where the use of Big Data has been successful are:

Finance: financial institutions, FinTech and Insurtech are just some of the sectors that take advantage of Big Data to predict fraud, assess risks, determine product efficiency and create more personalized and intuitive products.

Health: to change the way we serve people, leveraging research, business decisions, strategic and data-driven solutions that help pharmaceutical companies.

Media: registration and analysis of data on readings, views and monitoring of its users that allow them to build better experiences as well as content for them.

Marketing: Big Data has become an essential tool for marketing to know the behavior of its customers, needs and expectations to formulate innovative and effective campaigns.

Ecommerce: through data registration and analysis you can streamline processes, increase efficiency and provide a better experience to your customers.

AntIT has professionals trained in Big Data capable of providing you with such valuable information so that your company can stay one step ahead of the competition , by having the information it requires in an effective, understandable and attractive way. Implement Big Data solutions with us, we are your best option!

Melissa López
August 6, 2021
Big Data